The world’s most exciting sailing news is the long awaited decision that Sailing La Vagabonde will sail the world’s oceans aboard a Rapido 60.
Rapido is filling a segment in the market that is missing: a trimaran that is owner-operated, powerful, ocean-cruising, and can be safely crewed by two. The concept for the world’s fastest production cruising trimaran is designed by world-acclaimed naval architects, Morrelli & Melvin.
SLV comprises an Australian couple, Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu and their two young children. Each week, they bring their adventures to our phones, desktops and iPads via their YouTube videos.
They began documenting their evolving journey on YouTube back in 2014 with a single-hull vessel. After a time, they upgraded to a twin-hull vessel. For the last 18-24 months, the couple have been researching which boat would become the future of their sailing story, and would proudly wear the title Sailing La Vagabonde III.
With the extraordinary reach and exposure of Sailing La Vagabonde, perhaps the Rapido represents the future of sailing. Riley and Elayna explain why and how the Rapido 60, a three-hulled 6o’ (18m) trimaran, met their criteria.
The Rapido sails unbelievably well, which is the main thrust behind all of their decision-making. When they tested the boat in New Zealand, it was clear the boat was going to sail well. The test confirmed the boat was beautiful and very well made.
Initially, they were worried about the amount of space on board. However, once they were on board, this concern was perfectly fine. Riley describes the fore cabin as being “massive” with a “huge” bed. When you’re standing in the saloon, it’s actually a huge room.
During the test sail, the couple were convinced the boat could move at lightning speed. With just one hand on the helm, they were travelling under sail, maintaining speed at 25.7 knots. Even at that fast speed, it was only slightly heeling over. A Rapido trimaran only gets a heel of up to 15 degrees, this is important as they both want to travel safely while at a good pace. They said that when they were travelling at 20 knots, it felt like they were only going at 10 knots, and it also felt like they had so much more power sitting in reserve.
One thing that was really important with the trimaran was that Riley will have the ability to sail it single-handed, when Elayna cares for the two children on the boat.
The Rapido trimarans are stable boats that do not heel, ideal for long distances, short sprints and the passage between. They are ideal for discovering places that others cannot venture to when you sneak up alongside a secluded beach or glide over a reef. The draft of the Rapido 60 is just 0.75m with the rudder and daggerboard retracted.
Having the flexibility to power up and sail away from bad weather systems is paramount. The Rapido can be sailed short-handed with centralised systems, Karver reefing hooks, self-tacking furling jibs, furling reacher and stay sails. Boasting excellent safety, the Rapido is designed to put you in control for fast, safe, fun sailing.
The nets on each side of the Rapido 60 measure 6.3m x 3m (that’s 18.9 m2), providing enormous space to play or lounge upon when the fish are not biting. They also provide an exhilarating vantage point when cruising to watch the water rush by beneath.
The foam sandwich and carbon construction provide an extremely strong and rigid structure. This enables the Rapido to withstand the might of the oceans, without carrying excessive weight.
The T-foil rudder blade is designed to provide additional stability and control. Each float (ama) has four watertight bulkheads. The main hull has five bulkheads to ensure that the Rapido 60 is as safe and unsinkable as possible. The engine and main equipment compartment has two bulkheads and is located under the saloon.
There are three emergency escape hatches: one located in the forward cabin, the second is in the aft cabin, and the third is in the main storage compartment under the cockpit. This storage compartment has been specifically designed as a safe survival area. Automatic and portable bilge pumps are provided.
The helm position offers superb all-round visibility. It is in an elevated position, away from the elements with a hard top bimini with sliding roof. It has a 1.2m wide seat/leaning post for seating comfort and standing support. Main controls are at the helm making single or short-handed sailing easier and safer. Steering is direct with strong well-engineered Jefa systems.
An emergency rudder blade is ready to deploy in an emergency. The engine compartment has an auto fire extinguisher system. There are an additional three portable fire extinguishers and a fire blanket. Diesel is the only fuel on board for engine, stove and heating, which removes the need to carry highly flammable cooking gas.
The head sails are on furlers for ease of deployment and operation. There are twin bow anchors with the main anchor ready to deploy. A dedicated storage area for safety equipment and wet weather gear is located in the cockpit. Jack stays and clip-on points are provided, as are bow and stern cockpit safety rails. Even in the storms of the southern oceans, trimarans are safe, easy to handle and faster on all points of sail due to their wide beam and light weight.
Riley plans to be on hand at the Vietnam-based factory to customise certain aspects of the boat to better suit their family.
BEAM: 11.7M
DRAFT: 0.75M
Rapido have also developed a folding trimaran system, making their new Rapido 40 and 50 models available with a folding mechanism that will allow them to access monohull marina berths. The Rapido folding system keeps the floats vertical when in the folded position, preventing growth from occurring on the sides of the floats and ensuring they remain in pristine condition. The Rapido system also adds to the overall strength of the boat by reducing the loads on the beams when sailing without adding any length to the boat when folded.
Rapido Trimarans are distributed by Multihull Solutions as the Asia and Pacific dealer for its innovative range of ocean-cruising trimarans. Further information on the Rapido Trimarans range can be obtained by contacting Multihull Solutions on 1300 855 338 or emailing
Published in print January-March 2022