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The ocean is our playground, where we go to explore, get away and enjoy life. Protecting our environment, oceans and the bio diversity that lives under the waves has become more critical than ever. As a company, Propspeed® is committed to being part of the solution, addressing challenging environmental issues like the spread of invasive species, reducing vessels’ fuel burn and correlated emissions, and protecting underwater metals from the destructive effects of corrosion.

Since 1999, Propspeed has been at the forefront of protecting running gear and underwater metals with its industry-leading foul-release coatings. It has been tried and tested around the world, consistently delivering boat owners the same result – improved boat performance, lower fuel burn and operational costs, sustained value of their investment, all while keeping the vessel’s running gear operating and looking its best season after season.

Propspeed offers a comprehensive range of premium foul-release coatings, including Propspeed for underwater metals, Foulfree™ for transducers, and Lightspeed™ for underwater lights. The latest addition to their product line is Stripspeed™, a solvent-based paint stripper for all underwater metals.

What is a foul-release coating? While both antifouling and foul-release coatings prevent marine growth from colonising on underwater surfaces—how they do it differs greatly. Antifouling paints use a biocide or toxin as their active ingredient and come in a range of hardness, from very hard antifouls, which steadily leach biocides from their porous surface, leaving behind a depleted film, to soft ablatives formulated to erode and slowly release biocides over time.

Propspeed is biocide free, meaning that instead of killing marine growth with toxins and contributing to further environmental impacts, it creates a smooth, hydrophobic surface that prevents marine growth from attaching to your underwater assets. Any marine growth that does form is easily wiped away or falls off from water flow across the surface through propeller or vessel movement. This smooth, hydrophobic surface increases vessel efficiency from the day it is applied, and delivers boat owners sustained vessel performance and reduced maintenance throughout the season.


Propspeed’s commitment to achieving data-driven results and improving vessel performance is evident in their thirdparty data validation report conducted with TechBinder and Padmos. TechBinder collaborated with Padmos to evaluate the impact of Propspeed’s foul-release coating on the vessel “Windroos.” The test, carried out after the vessel’s hull and running gear was freshly cleaned, was conducted by having the vessel navigate a set course twice: once without Propspeed coating on the propeller, and once with Propspeed applied to the propeller.

“The data that we gathered suggest a clear improvement in performance of the vessel with Propspeed from the day it was applied,” said Ing. Maurits van Maaren, Naval Architect, Padmos. “Between the two trips, Windroos saw a 7.5% reduction in fuel consumption and a 4.7% decrease in kilowatt usage at cruising speed after the application of Propspeed compared with a clean propeller. Impressed by these results, we’re now implementing Propspeed on all of our vessels and recommending it to our customers.”T SERVICES

In addition to enhancing vessel performance, reduction of operational cost and associated emissions, Propspeed can also help in protecting underwater metals from corrosion and can reduce the environmental impacts of anode fallout.

Underwater corrosion on a vessel is a result of the movement of ions from a solid (like a propeller) to a liquid solution (like the ocean). Considering that some of the most expensive and critical components of a vessel like shafts, rudders, props, pod drives and other underwater metals are constantly under attack from corrosion, it makes sense to ensure the best protection available.

An insulating coating paired with a good cathodic protection system is very effective at preventing severe corrosion on all sorts of vessels and Propspeed is an excellent insulator. Not only does it protect these vital parts from corrosion, but the coating also reduces the load on anode systems and prevents accelerated anode burn that results in the carcinogenic makeup of the anode leaching into the ocean.

In collaboration with Marine Protection Systems, Propspeed aims to raise awareness and promote best practices using its insulative foul-release coatings alongside Marine Protection Systems’ expertise in cathodic protection and corrosion protection solutions. This partnership strives to reduce the costs of boat ownership and operation while minimising the environmental impact of corrosion and coating loss on our oceans.

Over the last 25 years, Propspeed has built a skilled, globally trained applicator network and established distribution channels in over 60 countries. Their experienced international sales and technical team is dedicated to delivering confidence, value, and performance to boat owners worldwide. By choosing Propspeed, you are investing in a solution that not only protects your valuable underwater assets but also supports in minimising the environmental impact.



Published in print August-December 2024