It’s not well known that Tohatsu was founded back in 1922 by Japanese aviation engineer Masuzo Takata. It was this innovator who instilled the philosophy that a truly great motor should deliver it all, including performance, safety and ultimate ease of use. That is why the current team of engineers continue to ask themselves the essential question, “What makes a great engine today and into the future?”
This has led Tohatsu to evolve and, in turn, develop a range of Four-Stroke models with many leading innovative features, sought after in an ever changing marine environment. These models include the class-leading lightweight MFS60/50/40A, the powerful MFS30/25C, MFS20/15E at an amazing 43kg (manual short-shaft tiller) and the MFS6/5/4/3.5D with the simple but sought after 3-Way-Storage capability and practical carry handle design.
Not resting on achievement, Tohatsu pushed forward in 2020 revolutionizing the market in the mid-range MFS75/90/100/115HP. Not a company to replicate, Tohatsu engineers challenged themselves to re-imagine the conventional and develop the new. This is where the “4-2-1”- Performance Tuned Exhaust was introduced into an outboard, resulting in a new standard in minimizing displacement, giving best-in-class torque while generating strong acceleration and top end speed.
What is exciting for Tohatsu, and the consumer, is that this year will see the technology introduced into the highly awaited MFS140HP. At a dry weight of 178kg and exceptional torque and performance, this model should be well received particularly when re-powering and transom capacity is key. The 4-2-1 new technology was a reaction to consumers first considering the horsepower when buying a motor. The horsepower of an internal combustion engine is affected by displacement. A bigger engine (bigger cylinders/ displacement) can produce more power, but uses more fuel and engine weight becomes an issue with some boat transoms and the environment. So, Tohatsu engineers wanted to maximize engine performance without increasing displacement. Their solution was to design and introduce an exhaust manifold system never before applied to an outboard, the 4-2-1. This Simpliqi™Technology when considered from an engineering perspective just makes sense.
The result is the first “Performance Tuned Exhaust” in an outboard and a range of motors with best-in-class torque to weight ratio, strong acceleration and top end speed. For the everyday boat user the result simply makes the boating experience easier. More torque means a smoother transition to plane, less drag and strong responsive acceleration.
Tohatsu take durability very seriously, undertaking 30,000 hours of run time on the MFS115A with countless field tests across the world in a variety of conditions. They then took this information into their state-of-the-art facilities for extensive analysis. Each and every component was tested to ensure they met the highest standard, which ensured such things as fuel efficiency, quietness, environmental factors and serviceability were built into what could be considered the ultimate outboards in their class.
The new models feature the TOCS- Tohatsu Onboard Communication System to transmit engine management data, a handy visible water drain fuel filter, an auto style oil filter drip catch tray, auto tensioning stress free timing belt adjuster and the easy fresh water flush system to name a few imrpovements. For those looking for hands-on control in a modern mid-size unit, a new large multi-function tiller unit is available upgraded with ergonomic controls and trim switch built into the grip. With the torque available in these models this option could prove popular in the commercial market. And like all the new age Tohatsu models they do look sporty, fitting the concept of a vision of wholeness, portraying a sleek modern flowing design.
For more information on these and the full lineup of Tohatsu outboards contact Mainstream Marine
Ph: 07 5546 2280 or
Published in print January-March 2022