Fancy a day out on ocean, soaking up the sun and the breeze, and then seeing something in the water that looked like a fish. Turns out to be a plastic water bottle. Do you ignore it, or do you take it out of the water? It only takes a few minutes to help clean the waters, so here are some of our tips to help you save our oceans.
Tip #1: If you see rubbish on a beach or floating on the water, pick it up. Do not leave it for some unsuspecting marine animal or bird to put in their mouths. Take time to observe what is floating on the waters, and have a small net handy to pick up rubbish.
Tip #2: When shopping for your boat, consider items that are not wrapped in plastic.
Tip #3: Buy reusable water bottles and avoid plastic water bottles. Water in plastic contains toxins that are not good for you and creates a lot of debris.
Tip #4: Avoid having plastic bags on board. They are light-weight and blow away in the wind easily, and can lead to marine deaths.
Tip #5: Dispose of cigarette butts responsibly. Keep a small tin to place butts in. Do not throw overboard.
Tip #6: Practise responsible fishing. Dispose of lines and nets responsibly and be aware of marine life that you may accidentally catch.