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The Anchorage is located on beautiful South Stradbroke Island, in popular Tipplers Passage, and is also the base of the Gold Coast Boat Club. Aside from regular activities and events that cater to member families and individuals, the Club also conduct activities called Seafaris.

The Seafaris are very popular and provide great opportunities for the members to socialise beyond the sandy beaches of the idyllic Anchorage location. Held bi-monthly, Seafaris are family-friendly and provide the perfect opportunity to meet new members or catch-ups. After some research and weather and tide checks, Seafari Captain Jason ultimately chooses the destination.

On the day, members first meet at the Anchorage to establish numbers of people and vessels, and to discuss the day’s expedition. The details are given regarding the order of boats, chosen destination and planned route. Safety reminders, weather and tides, as well as the all-important lunch menu are discussed. Seafari destinations have included Russell Island, Slipping Sands for an afternoon of fun in the dunes for the kids, and Peel Island for an overnight adventure.

Recently, the Seafari destination was the calm water cove, situated adjacent the Jumpinpin Bar between North and South Stradbroke Islands. After the participants have readied their vessels, Captain Jason led the way from the Anchorage, out of Tipplers Passage and into the main shipping channel. Heading north, the fleet enjoyed the beautiful calm waters of the passage and the stunning backdrop of South Stradbroke Island, with an array of anchored vessels of all shapes and sizes to admire on the way past.

The crystal clear water and glistening sand under perfect blue skies welcomed the group, an ideal setting for everyone to enjoy some lunch and great company. The adults took the opportunity for a chat and to take in the stunning surroundings, while the kids headed off to explore the dunes and look for shells and treasures in the sand. There is always time for a sun-drenched nap or to try out fishing. Discussions after any Seafari event always confirms that they are a great day out and everyone looks forward with anticipation to the next one.

The Gold Coast Boat Club is open to everyone and every boat type, from tinnies to cruisers. Members of the Club can utilise amenities at The Anchorage, such as gas barbecues, showers, toilets and cabins. Campsites are also available for members, with swings, a trampoline and plenty of space for the kids to play or have a game of cricket. The club is family-oriented, and club functions and water-based activities are structured to encourage participation by members of all ages. (



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