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Clean Up Movements: Why Are They Important

Clean Up Movements: Why Are They Important

by February 4, 2016

We all know that 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Boaties actually have such a privilege to be able to experience the wonders of our seas, oceans and our waterways. What it means to people and wildlife cannot be underestimated or be taken for granted.

There are many clean up groups that support clean waters and clean environment worldwide. The Gold Coast is also home to several groups that promote environmental awareness and proactive approach to keeping our environment clean.

Two couples from the Whitsundays, though, have special stories about their own organised campaigns to keep our beaches and waters clean. Their stories and insights may not be one-of-a-kind, but both couples share a thing or two that boaties may appreciate and be able to share with others.



Meet the Ocean Crusaders

Join the Crowd Clean World

6 Tips for Cleaning Up